
Tomato & Onion Tart

We love those days when things just fall into place and everything happens like it was meant to. A pile of luscious, plump tomatoes were looking particularly attractive in our refrigerator and the first thing we happened to see on Facebook yesterday was a picture of a Tomato Tart posted by our friend and future …

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beurre blanc sauce France French food

Charlotte Fleurance’s Sauce Royale

Meet Charlotte Fleurance, the inimitably elegant grandmother of a wonderful French friend of ours. Having heard so much about the fantastic Christmas feasts she puts together, we had to know more. Listening to stories about her is like a peek into a bygone era where elegance and care were such an important part of hosting….

Decoding Menus

Ever felt like you needed a dictionary to figure out what you might want to order at that nice new restaurant? We’ve all felt that at some point. Eating out is a lot like travelling to a different country without a translator….

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